Entrepreneurship Skilled Course in Travel and Tourism Management

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  • User Avatarziondelhi2024
  • 17 Feb, 2023
  • 54 Secs Read

Entrepreneurship Skilled Course in Travel and Tourism Management

The course gives you a lot of information about how to run a travel agency and how to be a good travel professional. A student can learn how to start his or her own travel agency. People who have done a lot of traveling before can help you during the class, too. Learn how to manage air, hotel, and holiday package deals. Learn air ticketing terms, rules, and regulations from around the world. Also, learn where the most popular places to go on vacation. Make sure you know how to run the travel agency after you set it up and how to get leads and money from them. Another thing you can learn on Galileo is how to use automated electronic ticketing. You also learn about how a travel agency works and how it is run. The professional skills give the company an extra boost in its rapid growth.

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